ISDN Switch off 2025

ISDN Replacement

With the migration to all IP over the coming years, we have packaged up our offering to provide an ISDN replacement service for partners to offer clients. Utilising the best available connectivity and layering on like-for-like ISDN services, as well as new and improved features, we have what we feel is the very best ISDN upgrade path for PBX customers.


SIP Trunks

With the migration to all IP over the coming years, we have packaged up our offering to provide an ISDN replacement service for partners to offer clients. Utilising the best available connectivity and layering on like-for-like ISDN services, as well as new and improved features, we have what we feel is the very best ISDN upgrade path for PBX customers.


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Features & Benefits


These services can be quickly provisioned and implemented using the portal.

Disaster Recovery

DR by DDI, lets you create pre-configured DR routing solutions that can be implemented in seconds.


Add all of the platform features to enhance an on-site PBX, such as call queueing or pre-recorded announcements.


Secure connections with PBX using 24/7 real-time fraud management.